Sunday, July 3, 2011

Thanks Daisy Nell and the Cape Ann Beacon

Ian Hurley and Kirk Williamson - photogrpaers and videographers at the Cape Ann Beacon have thieir own piece of the Ardelle. Thanks to the Beacon for your great coverage. Good luck Ian who is now leaving for grad school in Washington, D.C.

The Cape Ann Beacon has devoted a lot of time and effort to documenting the building of the schooner Ardelle and we have a picture of its photograpers extraordinaire Ian Hurley and Kirk Williamson. This week the Beacon did a story on Daisy Nell of Essex who has written and published a children's book about the schooner Ardelle.  It is based on a song she wrote with the second graders at Essex elementary school. The article below does include the song. It is so catchy we sing it around the yard all the time. Check it out!

Daisy Nell writes children’s book about Essex schooner

\By Charlee Bianchini/Correspondent

Cape Ann Beacon

Posted Jun 28, 2011 @ 06:56 AM

Last update Jun 28, 2011 @ 11:57 AM

Essex — It is not surprising to most Cape Ann residents when someone falls in love with the sea, nor when they decide to devote their life to it in some way, if not extensively. Daisy Nell is an admirable example of such a person, and she continues to devote herself to maritime history, music and sport. Now, she has come out with a children’s book, “The Stowaway Mouse,” revolving around the newly built schooner Ardelle.

The Ardelle, built by Harold Burnham, is a “pinky” schooner, one that has two pointed ends, making unclear if the boat is “coming or going.” It is still uncertain when the ship will take her first sail. Nell collaborated with artist George Ulrich, who did the illustrations.

“As the Ardelle took shape at the edge of the Essex River,” writes Nell, “‘The Stowaway Mouse’ also took shape, first as a song, then a book.”

Nell was awarded a grant from the Massachusetts Cultural Council and the PTO to fund a school residency, working with second graders in the Essex Elementary School on songwriting.

“Two classes of inspiring children worked with me to learn about traditional folk music and instruments, and to create songs based on local history,” she said.

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