Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Engine Room is Nearly Finished and The Crew is Back

The Ardelle has settled in for a little while longer.

The Ardelle bumped the Maine out of the coveted slot in the creek.

Not a bad place to wait out the tide.

The spars are ready.

A veiw from the Essex Shipbuilding Museum.

Harold is finishing up the engine room now.

Tim Walsh got the cabin tops ready and they are now in place.

Harold and Chuck. Harold does need a bit of a rest, we think, but perhaps this winter!

Bob Hicks, publisher of Messing Around in Boats sent this PDF-file of his story on the side launch of the Lewis Story. I am going to try and enlarge this as it is a great story!

The Ardelle is still in the creek and a lot of the crew have returned after taking a little time to enjoy some of these great summer days. Steve Willard, Bruce Slifer, Justin Ingersoll, Zach Teal, Chuck Redmond have all been back and working hard. Also, Tim Walsh, Jackson Friedman, Jeff Lane and others are coming by and working as much as they can. It is great to see everyone back...we wish the work was done and we could start sailing but there are still some big jobs ahead. The mast should be going on early next week or even the end of this week, we hope, and that will be quite a sight to see. The cabin tops are on and the tiller is being built. The boat needs a lot more paint...Harold is nearing completion of the engine room which is huge. Thank you Dan Tobyne for the great photos.
The story of the Lewis Story launch as it appeared in Messing Around in Boats

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