Sunday, October 17, 2010

Reflections on a Marine, on a Essex Marsh

Relfections of the Pinky Maine along the Essex marsh

While there are so many great days on the Essex river in the fall, we could not resist one more autumn sail aboard the great Pinky Maine. Harold, Laurie, Michael March and Chuck Redman dropped what we were doing on a weekday afternoon and sailed down to Farnhams for fried clams. We had some young charges hold onto the bow line while Harold skirted along the bowsprit, jumped ashore and ran in to order clams. As he came out, he decided a cold beer would go well with the clams so he asked a lady for a ride to the package store and came back just in time to grab the hot, fried clams and jump back on board.  The four of us sailed away, eating clams, yet we did not realize what a lovely spectacle the Maine was showing us until Michael snapped this picture. Thank you Michael and Pinky Maine for such a graceful sail down the creek.  One fun fact to note is that the original Maine (this is a replica built in the 1980s) was actually built right here along Farnhams' creek so this boat just seems to fit right here for all time.

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